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OUGD505 Design Practice 2_Studio Brief 2

Logo Development

For the exhibition it is necessary to have a logo as well as a title as it further brands the exhibition but also adds an element of consistency throughout everything. The logo can be used on everything big and small, digital and printed. Unlike a title the logo is the identity of the exhibition, the title simply tells you what it is.

For the logo I have gone down the route of illustrating the title of the exhibition using the initials similar to NASA and the majority of everything else space related. I wanted the logo to be simple and not exactly obvious straight away, I needed to be basic geometric vectors so that it doesn't detract from the abundance of information that needs to be communicated through all the other promotional material. 

I decided first of all draw out the initials using angular shapes, at the moment it looks like it says ram but similar to the NASA worm logo I want some features to be missing so that it looks like each letter could be drawn in one stroke (the M is 2 A's)

I brought together all the components of the logo to from what you see below, the idea behind bringing them all together is because the space race isn't just about NASA, it's about thousands of contractors coming together, collaborating and making everything work, it's about unity and I feel the logo should represent this too.

I decided just to add the crossbar of the F because I felt it wasn't understandable unless you already knew what the exhibition title was and that it was a logo for the exhibition. However, I really don't like the F in the logo now, I think it just breaks up the flow of the whole thing. 

To further streamline I have completely removed one of the peaks to simplify it further but still keep the whole integrity of the logo. It still resembles a A but also an M. I think this logo works best because it communicates the title and the brand the best. It shows the bond and the coming together collaboratively that going into space requires. It also reminds me of structural elements that the shuttles and rockets are comprised of.

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