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OUGD503 Responsive_Brief 1

XL Records

Tyler the Creator
The reason I've selected to illustrate this moment is because it stood out as the one I could relate to the most both music taste and as a designer. The designs that circulate Tyler the Creator and his group OFWGKTA appeal more to me than the likes of Adele winning an Oscar or Vampire Weekend coming third in a battle of the bands competition. I feel like this part of the brief is going to enable me to express myself more and try something a lot more conceptual and out there.

Initial ideas
Through the process of picking apart the brief and the constant questioning of the brief I have come up with a few initial ideas about where to take this brief;

Visual sound 
Editing the original sound file and converting into something more visual, such as a sound waves, raw mp3 file or 3D waves. This process will ultimately end up as an information graphic based poster that illustrates the music through another medium other than sound. 

Speech made visible
Similar to the previous idea but this one is solely based on his speech at the MTV Music Awards, the idea is to create a visual language such as a code or a new alphabet that visually represents the speech he made. This idea is more conceptual because to the unknowing eye it won't mean anything, to them it'll will look like a series of shapes or dots etc... But once deciphered it'll be his award acceptance speech. This concept will work well with the digital video submission as it could illustrate the whole deciphering process from shapes to letters.

Vector illustration
This concept is pretty simple, I would select key components from either his track 'Goblin' or from his acceptance speech and illustrate them using geometric linear vectors. This process also puts sound/speech into a visual platform but no where near as detailed and specific as the previous two ideas. In regards to the digital aspect of the poster submission I am struggling as to what could be done in regards.

I have decided to focus on the 'speech made visible' concept as I feel it offers the most development and directions, it's quite an open concept that'll require a substantial amount of research and development but I think will produce a much greater piece of design.

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