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Design for print and web- logo development

For the logo I wanted it to solely be typographic focused because of the nature of the event, I started thinking about the layout and orientation of letters and the whole process of manipulation, I kind of wanted to stay away from the traditions of laying type because it's not solely focused on the history and traditions of typography. Below are a series of digital art boards I produced based of doodles I do whilst browsing the web and thinking about the name of the festival.

The first 2 along the left hand side are based on the way in which as a western country we taught to read and the way the eye follows the page; left - right, top - bottom. Because t's such a long title I decided to focus on the initial of each word but included the whole name so it's clear what these letters stand for. It doesn't work together as a unit, the lines which are supposed to represent the movement of the eye fail and instead look like they're trying to connect the letter in to one whole word, also because they letters are randomly scattered the whole unorganised layout of the lines just looks messy and to me causes a mass of confusion.

This then got me thinking of how love can be represented without actually writing down the word or the title of the festival but still link the two together. It's obvious that love is represented with the symbol of a love heart but how can this be linked to typography. The manipulation of letter to form a love heart stuck in my mind so this was my next sense of direction.

The next two art boards are just examples of me playing around with the full title of the pop up festival and how it would fit into a logo. To try and fit all the words together and look like a proper logo as opposed to words laid out in a conventional manner I tried placing them in squares that were then connected together with lines made to look like stretched hyphens. I don't think it's very successful as a focus point of the festival because it's not visual representing the festival just merely describing it.

Below are what I consider to be the best logos that have been developed throughout this whole design process. First of all there is the love heart created out letters; it's not obvious at first that is infact created out of letters and I have been asked countless times what the dots at the bottom represent, which is to me a good thing. I don't want it to be slap you in the face obvious but I also don't want it confuse people. The logo creates a kind of 'Eureka!!!' moment when it's figured out, like an 'Ah I see what it is now' 

To tie together type and love which are the main focus of the festival I recreated the infamous heart symbol using type, it's not a pre existing type face but just a letter J that I created myself. Through trial and error attempting it with real J's and question marks from type faces, I thought it would be best to create a more geometric J that could be then rotates and joined with it's reflection to create the heart. I love the way it turned out because it's something so small and simple but yet clever how it ties the two together and remains not to obvious like writing down the title.

And then below is my other attempt at a logo this time only using the title of the festival. It's loosely based on the title in a box logo further up the page but again it still doesn't relate to the title, the letters are merely stretched just so that they fit uniformly together. 

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