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OUGD406 DESIGN PRACTICE- lightbulb design

These are just design sheets for lightbulbs, I tried to draw a variation of light bulbs as opposed to sticking with the generic lightbulb. Straight away I went into digitalising my drawings because I found it quite laborious and tedious repeatedly drawing lightbulbs. There are a few that stand out to me like the industrial lightbulb and the energy saving bulbs. I think they're more detailed and add something more than just a plain simple bog standard lightbulb. 

I applied the lightbulb to some mock up notebooks so that I can imagine what the lightbulb will look like on the front of the cover. This still isn't clear enough for because of my poor drawings so I decided to digitalise them straight away.

These are just two examples of the of the lightbulb notebook I drew out, the yellow bulb represents and idea which when you remove the belly band it appears, this was my first notebook to design so the drawings are completely different to my other illustrations that are on the front of my notebook.

Below are lightbulb designs I did after the crit to explore all paths of design as opposed to sticking with the initial lightbulbs I had designed. I found the bulbs below were a lot more suitable to want I wanted to do aesthetically. Even though they contain more stroked that the original ones the light weight strokes mean it looks much simpler because it creates more white space inside the lightbulbs.

Above and below are my two favourite designs, I don't know why but they're different to the average generic lightbulbs, the filament in the lightbulb below is a stand out feature for me because it's more intricate and detailed, it somewhat resembles the the shapes of the energy saving lightbulbs. Where as the industrial lightbulb design above focuses more on geometric shapes. I love the variation in weights creating that layering effect, but I don't know how this could be positioned or organised onto a front cover...

The two designs above and below are based on the idea of creating typography out of the lightbulb filament, I thinks it's a good idea and it has ben well executed but I just think it's too obvious and isn't that original. Where as if I just use a bog standard plain filament it provokes thought as to what does the lightbulb represent, what is the meaning... 

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