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This morning we had to present our 3 design boards to 5 members of the class, tutors and a couple of third years. The feedback I recieved off each individual member of the class seemed to be along the same lines;

  • It's an extremely simple concept but practical and very useful for graphic designers.
  • Because it is such a simple concept, the quality in design and production need to be a high standard.
  • Is it enough work for 6 weeks? What can be added to strengthen the proposed idea?
  • Look at primary research and see what our year group would find useful in a notebook.
  • Research content thoroughly, again to keep up with high standards.
From the feedback I have received I intend to go away and delve deeper into what could added to strengthen the body of work, I will also research and plan thoroughly to perfect the end product because it is such a simple concept. I will do this through binding mock ups, producing multiple design sheets so that I have fully explored the design possibilities and to do multiple screen prints to get that perfect clean crisp design that will finish off the product.

The third years talked about how I could add stationary to my notebooks to again strengthen the concept and also increase the design outcomes, giving me a greater body of work.

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