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OUGD405 DESING PRACTICE- Speaking from experience


Produce a graphic response/ graphic product/ piece of work that makes a statement, comment, observation or gives advice about your experience on your first year of this course.

Work with any appropriate media or format and develop and identify the content will it be entertaining, advisory or informative.


I think before I progress any further I should review my year as a whole and think of something I would have found useful at the start of the year or something that I think is essential for this course. 

The first thing that sprung to mind was an essentials pack that could include tools and stationary that I thought I think are a necessity during my first year of the course. However before coming to the college in the summer I recall receiving a list of equipment that we need and I think that idea would be pretty useless and not very cost effective.

Thinking back over the year one thing that I have found is a necessity and a must have is a notebook. I am currently on my third notebook of the year and I don't know what I would do without it, I use it at least everyday, for every session and for jotting down general thoughts and bits of information. It'll contain key resources specific to the course that will assist them through their first few weeks. I don't want the notebooks to be too thick or too informative because I think I have grown as a designer by learning and finding things out for myself. 

I find that when using my notebooks I like to add little thumbnails alongside text so that when I look back after a period of time I still have a visual representation that can refresh my mind in case my notes don't make sense. Therefore I have had the idea of creating either a notebook with alternate pages, so one would be ruled and the other plain. This would solve the issue I have encountered, but this might not suit other peoples working styles. I could create three notebooks; one plain, one ruled and one square/graph.

By creating the three different papered notebooks they then become specific to different aspects of the modules; graph for type, plain for visual representations and ruled for note taking. I could also make the resources in the back specific to each notebook. For example basic type info in the back of the graph book etc...

I also created a quick spider diagram to focus on direction for designs for the covers of the notebooks before I set about doing design sheets, I came up with multiple ideas for front cover designs based on visually representing the course through typography and simple illustrations. I came up with the idea of creating a cover that just illustrates the designers essentials to relate it more to the course as opposed to just general stationary. Another idea is to create a coat of arms or crest for the LCA BAGD course, this will consist of both type and image. I had the idea of filling a cover page with quotes collected by this years first year students to give the future students an idea about honest views on the course. Finally I also came up with just create a simple symbol that represents each specific notebook, for example a logo based around ideas and thumbnails, one based on grid, layout and type, and the final cover would be based on the taking of notes.

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