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Following up my idea of illustrating the essential tools of graphic design and placing them on the cover of a book I decided to illustrate everything I could get my hands on in my pencil case and around uni. The sketches again are really poor quality as I didn't see the point in meticulously drawing each one perfectly when i'm simply going to digitalise them.

This is just a play around with how I could potentially layout the front cover of my book, it's just simply organised into a grid like format.

Below are all my digitalised illustrations of my equipment, the aesthetics haven't really been influenced by anything it's just how I found it easiest to illustrate equipment. I have used a variation of line weights to illustrate detail on some of the equipment. They're so clean and simple, I feel by adding anymore detail or colour to them could completely ruin them and detract from the simplicity of my designs. The simplicity is key because it means the viewer can understand the illustrations with ease as opposed to trying to figure out what each one is.

Again I have experimented with the layout of the images into a grid, I purposely sized the images to fit into a grid format, for example the width of the wacom table is the same height as the mac. I have done this so that it is all uniform and looks a lot neater.

From the gridded illustrations I have transferred them over to a book cover so that I can envisage what the final covers will look like.

And then this is the covers with the proposed belly band around it, the belly band works perfectly because it breaks up the images and adds that extra level to what is a simple design. The colours won't be the same, it's just a visual representation of what it could look like.

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