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Below is the development of my LCA crest for the cover of one of my books from design sheets through to digitalisation of the designs

Above is just a variation of design sheets that have been influenced by my research into crests and coats of arms. They're really rough sketches more like doodles but I have a few favourites that hold the text well with out being too much or too boring, these few have been taken further and digitalised so that I can develop them further and decide on a final crest.

The 2 above are based on similar concepts just executed differently, both I think hold their ground and visually represent the course. But I feel they're just too simple and quite boring, I think I can develop these further by adding or removing parts, vastly improving the overall design and actually look more aesthetically pleasing. I don't think the diamond text works well in the circle as it's just too many shapes and it just seems too much visually, with the bottom one I feel the computer detracts from the design as I feel it's one instrument too many. I will go back to the drawing board and try to improve these designs as I feel they have huge potential.

This design works well but doesn't visually represent what the course is all about because it doesn't illustrate graphic design, it merely represents the course via typography, which in my eyes isn't too good. It's pretty boring but could work well as a name badge or something else if developed further.

The set of crests have been developed from the top ones and I feel I have vastly improved them and they seem to work the best because they encompass graphic design and visually represent what it's all about, they contain the essential tools in a designers arsenal, contain course information and seem to come together the best because it's not too bare due to the detail added around the dotted circle and it's not too over complicated that it doesn't put the message across. My only issue with them is with or without the year? I have asked around a few peers for some feedback and what i'm getting back is they prefer it without because the year will be completely irrelevant next year and they also feels it makes the design uneven, preferring the much simpler cleaner design. They also stated they preferred the plain simple white background with black lines as opposed to the heavy black background.

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