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OUGD406 DESIGN PRACTICE- Secret 7 feedback

From the crit on friday I have taken on board some of the suggestions I received about adding a singular colour to the barrel of the gun to represent the don and to single it out so that is easier to recognise and understand. Another suggestion was to insert the barrel in the centre of the skyscraper perspective cover. This idea didn't work out very well in my eyes, there was just too much happening in one image, I didn't know where to focus and the meaning of the design was lost somewhere. The design could have meant anything and it wasn't really open to interpretation because there was too much clutter and visuals.

Below is my final design I have chosen to submit, I have taken on board the suggestions and I believe this is the most aesthetically pleasing because it's simple, precise and provokes thought. The title 'The Don' doesn't instantly jump out and grab you but when you consider all the factors within it; the gun barrel, the singular gold bullet positioned at the top suggesting hierarchy or the fact it looks like a birds eye view looking down on a table, a meeting where the gold circle is at the head of the table and higher ranking. I have also decided on a heavily saturated grey back ground just so that there isn't too much boring white space that the central focus is lost.

Below is a screenshot showing my submission;

Next time I will probably approach the brief slightly different focusing more on meanings and emotions as opposed to the title of the song.

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