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OUGD406 DESIGN PRACTICE- Risk assessment

Having a tea stall within college takes a lot of planning and meeting with building regulations because of health and safety. First of all Laura and I had to draw a floor plan to show where all the equipment will be, the source of the power, where the wires will run and the source of the water for the kettle. This was then sent off to the buildings team to be approved. The image below is the re tweaked version because some details were wrong.

 Below is the email sent by Andrew (a member of the building team) with the next stage of the process which is the risk assessment form, lucky for us he had already helped us and filled the majority out for us which was really helpful because it was extremely confusing. It basically proposed a problem such as spilt liquid on the floor and how and who would respond.

Below is the risk assessment form we filled in;

Below is the confirmation email to say everything is in order and we have been given the all clear to go ahead with our chariTEA sale outside the graphic design studio next Thursday.

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