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OUGD406 DESIGN PRACTICE secret 7, five designs

Because this is a live brief and secret 7 required submission within a week I got straight to work on design sheets. Based on the research on Nas, the 'Don' and his previous album covers I have produced a series of design sheets based on my interpretations of the song and the word Don based on hierarchy and being the 'top dog'

From the thumbnails I have drawn up I have to digitlise and print 5 different designs for fridays crit allowing me to repsond to the feedback over the weekend and submit on sunday night. Below are the 5 designs I decided to digitalise and print to the specified requirements. 

The two above are a based on the godfather famous artwork but created using simple geometric graphic shapes. The top one includes a city skyline at the bottom of the shirt because when I think of the don and the godfather I instantly think of New York.

This design is based on the barrel of a revolver with again a cit skyline involved. I really don't think the skyline concept is fitting in with any of the designs above, they're just two completely different things and its hard to see any relation between the two images without involving any text. However I feel the idea of a revolver is definitely a strong starting point and believe it can be developed a whole lot more. This is definitely one of my strongest concepts and I will go in to the crit with questions about having only a singular bullet and if it's too simple to understand any visual link between the image and the song.

This is just an illustration of Nas based on the bio picture given with the brief. I tried to go down a more illustrative route with this design because a lot of my work generally doesn't include too many illustrations, and if they do they're generally very precise geometric representations as opposed to a more hand drawn illustrative style. I don't think i'm a big fan of this illustration because it looks poorly executed and he also looks like a snowman with sunglasses and a hat on because of the lack of facial features.

The two above are based on city skylines because of the relationship between the don, new york city and the fact 'new york don' is a line repeated a substantial amount in the song. Again it's hard to relate these two images with the song without type. I feel that design and concept wise they're both pretty poor because they're boring to look at but also difficult to understand if somebody else was to interpret them.

I feel like i've struggled this week to visual represent a title using only images and I think it has been one of my weakest design outcomes all year probably because I had quite a negative mindset due to the restrictions of the brief. If I was to do it again I would probably choose a song more suited to my design and also look at different ways in which I can visually represent a song.

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