You Are Reading


Readability, Legibility and Hierarchy means me as a designer am able to control what is read first.

Below is a good example of different texts and hierarchy

Looking at varying font, weight and scale can make us consider the hierarchy of type. This means we can look at how we can break it, and still control what is read first. 

Hierarchy is important in newspapers and they choose what we read, the first thing seen is the headline. Tabloid's are bought more because they have larger and red headlines. 

When heirachy is close together, it can become harder to read and make sense of.

The studio task was to create different moods and tone only by using different weighted and sized who are you. As a group we had to read aloud our 'who are you' and they suggested what the tone could have been.

In the 2 images above I just experimented with the volume and pace, then reading them aloud to get an understanding before actually trying moods. 

Emphasis in weight
Volume in scale
Pace in spacing 

When reading words, it is easier for understand a link than when said out loud. Reading is far more dynamic, and as a graphic designer an understanding is needed on the relationship between reading,volume and pace. What's the visual pace, the visual volume and the visual emphasis.

We were shown videos that illustrate the relationship between volume and pace and how it is illustrated through different sized and weighted text.

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