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OUGD404 DESIGN PRINCIPLES- Identify and specify full typeface

The task was to identify and specify full the typeface of each of my 5 fonts selected for the previous task. By doing this it allowed me to explore what the most readable version of that font was. This was quite a lengthy task, finding them was the easy part because they were all on myfonts. The time consuming bit was screen shooting each individual font. 





Poplar std-

Courier new-

Some of the typefaces only consisted of a couple of fonts and poplar std only actually contained one font. This made the next part of the task a lot easier.

Next we have to explore the most readable font out of that typeface and the most readable point size of that font; 12, 32 or 72pt.

To work out the readability we were asked to use the phrase 'The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog' and experiment with different fonts and pt sizes. I found out that these were the most readable;

Courier new- Regular 12pt
Poplar std- Black 72pt
Verdana- Regular 32pt
Rockwell- Bold 72pt
Futura- Book 72pt

The bolder fonts had to be at 72pt to make it read easier and flow, where as the lighter fonts worked better as 12 pt because there was less white space interrupting the ease of which it is read, the lighter fonts worked best as body copy where as the bolder of the fonts worked well as headings.

I printed them off and put them on the wall in the studio along with the rest of the class, this was so the whole class can discuss why we did what we did and if we can spot any patterns such as bolder 72pt etc...

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