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OUGD505 Design Practice 2_Studio Brief 2

Final Crit
Today we had a final crit on what we had produced, due to my lack of time management I didn't have the entire project to show. But I did have wayfinding and logos to show therefore the feedback is all based around those.

Question 1
The icons are supposed to be used without a description or title, is it clear what they represent?

  • I think a key at the start of the exhibition or in an exhibition guide might be required because some  icons are easily identifiable, others are not so clear.
  • I like the icons, I would have personally gone for more of a vintage aesthetic, but I'm not sure what that would be. I'm not sure how well the icons work without a description. It depends how important this is. 
  • I like the aesthetic, icons maybe need to be slightly clearer.
  • Some of the icons I understand but others are harder. I guess if it's in context it would be easier to work out.
  • I can understand most icons but I don't have any knowledge on space so didn't understand a couple. A key would be handy at first but not throughout.
  • I think you need a key as some of the icons are not too clear. But if they appear inside the exhibition both in context or across your branding it would be easier to work them out. 
  • I don't think that the icons are really clear, you could provide a code, infographic for people viewing the exhibition, maybe in leaflet format.
From todays feedback session I have come to the realisation that my icons need some considering and development if they're going to work with the rest of my project. Ideally I need focus on making a start with the rest of the project and branding the exhibition. Therefore, I'm going to put the icons on hold for now and reassess whether or not to use them once I have more branded material, this way I can tell if they're going to fit in with the rest of the branding or if they need a makeover or simply if I have enough time to develop them.

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