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OUGD503 Responsive_Brief 3

Carmen Yolande Branding

The brief is to fully rebrand a professional body painter who is making a move from children's face painting into the professional world of adult body painting. The branding requires a more professional adult feel that includes; a new logo, new business cards and a new portfolio website to showcase work she has already done in the body painting world industry. The audience for the business is now adults aged between 18 onwards, the website must also appear to larger companies and corporations that produce paints as they need painters to showcase and illustrate the ability of their product in catalogues and expositions.


Website mockup
At the time the website was only intended to be a mock up therefore it was quickly mocked up in indesign. Using a couple of portfolio websites as a basis I simply pulled features from them and placed them on a a simple grid. The website features a sideways scrolling portfolio that when images are hovered over they appear black with the title of the project. Down the hand side of the site there is a toolbar that enables easy navigation to different pages of the website. I wanted to create something really simple so that the photographs and work are the focus of the site and aren't being over complicated with text or colours.

Business Cards
Below are a series of logo mock ups on business cards to see how my different ideas work on the format;

The c and y with a stroke striking between the two seems to work best because to me it represents a geometric sharp linear stroke of a paint brush, a sort of separation between the old and new, moving on and developing into a newer more professional business

The business card has been designed to be very simple and cheap to produce, it puts across all the information required in an easy readable way, as is the back of the card
This project was another quick day turnover brief, everything was simply a mockup and proposal with the potential of getting printed. The client was happy with the response as was I, I answered everything in the brief. everything is highly functional and focuses on the artist and the talent. 

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