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OUGD503 Responsive_Brief 2 Collaborative

Monotype_The Big Issue

Now that Sam has fully digitised the typeface I have taken it upon myself to attempt to transform the illustrator files into a fully working typeface by using fontographer. After only a quick run through of the software with Mike and a PDF at hand I set about creating a grid in which each letter would lie that consisted of the; descender line, baseline, x-height and cap height. Each letter must fit into the grid perfectly and centred so that they all the remain in the same position when entering the typeface into the software. 

Below is an example of the process that is illustrated used the letter D. 

Illustrator grid
Copied to Fontographer

Once saved with rest of the letters

This entire process was long and tedious but I eventually finished it to find out we hadn't set up the document properly in the first place so the document was a lot smaller than 12pt. This meant that when we typed in 12pt it came out more around 4pt, there was nothing we could change meaning we had to start again but using a pre existing typeface as a size reference.

New resized grid

Full typeface

Final saved typeface

Although we had created a fully digital typeface it was still unusable because we hadn't set up the kerning on the software because it was a long labor intensive task that neither of us knew how to do. For the time being due to time restrictions we are leaving this for now with the idea of coming back to it after we have submitted and making it fully functional for our own personal use and gain. 

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