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OUGD503 Responsive_Brief 2 Collaborative

Monotype_The Big Issue

Crit Today we had an uber final crit between both responsive groups. Sam and I presented our final boards along with our print and type specimen. Below are the responses we received;

Print boards in colour
Great use of layout and grids
Boards show consistency of aesthetic
Precise and aesthetically pleasing. Would use the typeface
Think it works best as header font but some words are less readable
Really great design
Consistency throughout
Specimen is good addition
Not a huge fan of gradient used in specimen gutter
Nailed the font
Flawless presentation of poster and booklet, very professional
I have no idea what the brief is
Good consistency throughout your boards, clear aesthetic throughout
Great aesthetic right through to presentation, nailed it
Amazing work, feeling inspired
The typeface is consistent and well thought out
I'm impressed by the sheer amount of characters that you have considered
Great layout and impact
A lot of work gone in to this

The session was definitely a huge confidence booster, there were times throughout this brief we had wanted to give up due to the sheer difficulty of creating a typeface that works well together and is consistent. But I feel a sense of satisfaction from today, like all the hard work has paid off.

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