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OUGD503 Responsive_Creative partnership form

Why have you chosen to work with your creative partner? What are you aims?
I have chosen to work with Sam because we share common interests both in and out of design. As well as this I know he can be relied on to stay until closing to get the work done, as well as coming in early and on weekends. I find it easy to be blunt to him without causing offence and vice versa, this honesty I feel will help throughout the creative processes because we are less likely to fall out and backstab. 

What are your specific interest in this brief?
I'm interested in the challenge of creating something that works both as a physical printed copy but also as a digital version and how the two work together seamlessly. As well as this I'm interested in creating design that feels personal and is relatable as opposed to something that is cold and not on a personal level. The typographical element interests me as it's something I've never created before, the prospect of creating a typeface that portrays the companies beliefs and the people that benefit from selling the paper is exciting. 

What specific design skills do you have to offer in relation to your chosen brief? How do you intend to use them?
In relation to the brief I can offer quite a few design skills including; Grid and layout, Extensive software knowledge, an understanding  on typography, a good understanding of colour and its impacts. I intend to use these in collaboration with Sam's design skills to ultimately solve the problem at hand using the most effective and efficient methods.

What specific non-design skills do you have to offer in relation to your chosen brief? How do you intend to use them?
I believe I have good time management and organisational skill that will enable us to fully utilise our skills within the time scale. I also think my punctuality will further enable us to work to our best ability, I'm willing to use all of my spare time towards the brief and ultimately winning the competition.

What do you think your individual responsibilities will be in relation to your brief? and what will your joint responsibilities be?
I think throughout the most of it we will be working together closely developing a concept and the type face but once these important decisions have been made I think we'll give out more specific roles such as the digitalisation of the typeface, the presentation boards, mocking up of the typeface, type specimen book, uses in context, transition between physical and digital, printing, finishing and photography. These roles will be delegated when closer to the time as it's hard to predict who will do what when we both bring similar skills to the table.


Sam Horbury's Creative partnership form

Why have you chosen to work with your creative partner? What are your aims?
I have chosen to work with Harrison as we both share many interests, especially in terms of design; we both appreciate the similar work, which will make it much easier for us to work together. We have similar design aesthetics, both of us are very specific in terms of what we like and don’t like, and I think this will help us to create a consistent and cohesive project that we are both happy with. I also know that I can rely on Harrison to pull his weight and get the work done, something that will really help during the later stages of the brief. Overall, we aim to win.

What are you specific areas of creative interest in this brief?
I have never created my own typeface before, not to this standard, and it is something that I find interesting and have wanted to explore further for some time. Editorial and publishing is my main area of interest within graphic design, followed closely by branding and identity, and this brief allows me to explore both of these. I also like the challenge of working with both printed and screen based media and think designing with both of these in mind will be exciting and appropriate.

What specific design skills do you have to offer in relation to your chosen brief?
I feel that I am very suited to this brief as it is asking us to look into grid and layout, this being the area where my strengths as a designer lie. When thinking about the type of work I create it is often very structured and considered, which I think will lend itself to the creation of a typeface and new typographical system. My keen eye for detail and strive for perfection will be utilised frequently throughout this brief in order to ensure we produce the best outcomes we can.

How do you intend to use them?
I intend on using my design skills to their full potential, ensuring that I am successfully producing the high quality work that is needed and pulling my weight within the collaboration. I feel as though I haven’t previously produced work to the high standard that I could and want to make sure that this project is effective and professional.

What specific non-design skills do you have to offer in relation to your chosen brief? How do you intend to use them?
Being friends with Harrison will help this project a lot as we can both give constructive and honest feedback on each other’s design, no matter how brutal, without having to worry about causing any offence; which I believe comes down to my relaxed persona and positive attitude. I am very punctual and make sure that I attend at all times, and so does Harrison, so I am confident that we can produce a strong body of work within the time frame.

What will your specific roles be in the collaboration in relation to your brief?
Although we have chosen a brief that we want to work on, we still are slightly unsure of our what our final outcomes will be for definite. Therefore, we are unable to pinpoint our specific roles within the brief. However, I know that much of the project will be worked on together in order to achieve consistency throughout.

What do you think your individual responsibilities will be in relation to your brief?
Within this brief, my main responsibility will be to ensure I am working to my full potential, producing the best work that I have produced so far. Due to working with a friend, there is more pressure for me to work to by best in order to prevent letting him down. Another one of my own personal responsibilities will be to manage my time, making sure I put enough work into this brief as well as the other briefs that I am currently working on.

What do you think your joint responsibilities will be?

We are both confident with our ability and I think that our main responsibilities are completing all of the work we set out to do within the time frame, as well as producing the work to the high standard that I know we can.

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