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OUGD503 Responsive_Studio session 1

Documenting everything in this module will be key in order to pass it, due to the nature of how independent we will have to be. There will be one main brief that we work on throughout the module, with at least 5 smaller briefs to run alongside. When it comes to ISTD briefs and RSA briefs, there is a lot of research and time that will be required; therefore they are not suitable for this module.

Identify as many things you want to get out of this module
  • Greater understanding of how long to spend on briefs (time scale) 
  • Experience of working on live briefs and interaction with clients
  • I want to win a competition brief
  • I want to build up relationships with contacts and clients
  • Working to a structure
  • Understanding time scales and grasping a real world time scale
  • Learn invoicinng
  • Effective professional communication
  • How not to get exploited
  • Work on a range of briefs
  • Identify individual practices
  • Brief break down and analysis
  • Creative compromise
  • Exposure/Recognition/Contacts
  • Portfolio development
  • Contacts and opportunities
Why do you think the live and competition briefs are going to be useful
  • Experience big real world
  • Experience and learn real world brief formats
  • Brief structures
  • Professional responsibilities 
  • Select your own briefs and distinguish our own style
  • Improve professional design skills
  • Real world benchmarking
  • Professional responsibilities
  • Gain confidence
  • Contacts and links
  • Professional feedback
  • Challenge of a professional brief
  • Being more than just a student
  • Professional experience
Why have I chosen the briefs I brought in
  • Most exciting available 
  • Interest in topic
  • Best available
  • Entry fee
  • Deadline dates
  • Simple short briefs
  • Interest familiarity 
  • Scope and freedom
  • Range of problems

A good brief has to be clear and specific whilst providing you with lots of information. This doesn't mean that the brief is right for everyone, that is dependent on content. Big clients could also be a factor in the choice of the brief.

We then looked into some of YCN's previous briefs, which we thought were good briefs, and realised that they aren't as good as they seem. We were given the 'Experian' brief and had to answer 8 questions about the brief:

What is the problem- a lack of awareness surrounding credit score amongst young adults
What is the brief asking- raise awareness through animation or video that appeals to adults aged 18-24
What is the brief trying to achieve- a better average credit score that enables people to 'get what they want in life'
Who will benefit- the company will benefit, whilst also helping people to improve their lives
What is the message- 'Act before it is too late'
Target audience18-24 year olds that aren't aware of their credit score
How will the message be delivered- through a short 2 minute animation or video, or through a concept; this will later be delivered through social media sites
Any problems- tone of voice, making a dull topic interesting

Fred then summed it up in four key points;
  • The company is losing money and going bust
  • They're basically saying 'Help Us'
  • They are trying to make more money
  • The people who benefit the most will be the company

Off the back of this session we were set the task of applying these 8 questions plus another few to a substantial brief we had chosen. The brief I applied it to was the 'XL records' brief.

Why have I chosen this brief
Because it's something I've never really ventured into in too much detail for previous briefs etc... but poster art/print is something I have a massive amount of interest and passion for. The record label itself is something that appeals to me and that I can relate to because most of their acts I listen to and show interest in their activities.

What do I want to get out of it
Initially I want the experience of working on a much larger brief that has larger expectations than the work I'm used to producing. I also want to strengthen skills in my arsenal such as poster skills, because it's not something I do often it is a risk but I feel there's a lot to learn from this task and through experience I will learn whether I'm cut out for it.

What do you need to produce in response
An 'illustration' for one A1 poster, one 'illustration' for an online exhibition. The spec for this is open; it could be static, moving, different size etc, it's completely up to me. Document and show your research and how you developed your work.

What do you want to produce in response
I would like to incorporate a design that is both image based and text based to illustrate that specific moment in XL records history. I want to produce something that breaks the boundaries of just bog standard posters be it through the design or the print methods used. 

What is the problem
What is the brief asking- to celebrate the artist and highlight their seminal moment(s) in a way that engages and communicates to your audience
What is the brief trying to achieve- celebrating XL records since 1989
Who will benefit- XL records and the music acts
What is the message-.......
Target audience- music lovers
How will the message be delivered- an A1 poster, one illustration for online exhibition, and documentation (4 images)
Any problems- how will it be printed, are we limited to print methods etc. Why am I creating this for them? will it be exhibited, sold....???

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