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Design for web- final concept

At the beginning of this brief I struggled quite a lot deciding on a concept based upon my summer research and completed a couple of tasks to try and cement what it was that I was going to do, even going back and looking at why I chose to research Dieter Rams in the first place didn't help too much, it gave me a bit of an idea but I had to try and figure out how to try and convert that passion into a website. Firstly I revisited why I chose Dieter Rams;

Why Dieter Rams?
For my summer research I chose Dieter Rams to focus my research on because of the simplicity of his product design for Braun, they're extremely basic and minimal which aids in their timeless aesthetics, they wouldn't look out of place in a modern home nowadays. Each product features its own little iconic detail such as the snow whites coffin speaker holes or the air cooling holes in the hairdryers. Each product has a slightly different feature be it scale or shape but they mainly featured circular hole or strips, both vertical and horizontal, they were very simplistic in form and became the main feature of the product but remained unobtrusive to the purpose and functionality of the purpose.

From looking back at this I got some form of idea what be involved in the website, it wouldn't be a biography based website because there's plenty of those about already so that idea is pretty pointless. Then I thought of how I could incorporate these features I talk about and describe, this means the website would be aimed at people who are already knowledgable about Dieter Rams and have a passion for his designs. But then I thought to myself that why would these people want to visit a website that only showed features of a product...

Then it hit me as I was browsing through websites that had won awards, there was this one website that simply illustrated windows of New York, there is no actual purpose to it but it is for people who love design illustration. So why can't I create something similar for the people who love the design of Dieter Rams, the simplicity and features. There are plenty of prints out there focusing on the features but not websites from what I've found, there are apps that use the design of the Braun products as an interface for radios and music players but they only focus on one feature. What if I create a website that illustrates the features of a wide Braun product range?

From this I've come up with the concept of creating a website that is a aimed at the people who know about Dieter Rams and the braun products and aren't looking for any particular information about them, but are more interested in the design features, these people will have a passion for design and illustration, appreciating the simple concept of the website. The websites main focus isn't to educate or inform the viewer, it's mainly a novelty, a source of entertainment that provides small pockets of information about the product that particular feature came from. On the back of this it's up to the viewer if they go away and research more into this product because there's plenty of websites that all carry the same information that wikipedia does.

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