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OUGD406 DESIGN PRACTICE- final books

Below are my final notebooks fully bound, screenprinted and with belly band ready to hand to the first years next year. I'm over the moon with how they've turned out; the neon is so clean and crisp, and has printed perfectly with such tiny weighted lines. The belly band was a bit serendipitous because originally it was meant to be completely blacked out but because the toner is terrible on the printer in our studio, when I exposed it on the screen it didn't fully come through leaving behind a mottled effect which personally I think look a whole lot better than a plain black belly band, I think it adds texture and character to whole notebook. 

These are just a few images of the inside of my book, I feel the inside of the cover just adds something special to the book and an added texture to make it less boring. The front page instead of having a 'my name..' it now says '' because from my primary research I found that a lot of people struggled with the email address a lot.

This is the saddle stitch on my book with the bees wax thread, the holes are a little too large and slightly scruffy because of the size of needle I needed to use. Next time I will probably use a thinner thread so that the needle doesn't have to be as thick.

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