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OUGD406 DESIGN PRACTICE- Feedback 3 Final crit

Today we had our final crit, this consisted of being arranged into groups of 6 and presenting our work briefly. Then we would go round and round down feedback based on our questions we had asked and wanted to be answered about our designs. I present my mockup books I had bound and asked the questions ; Which lightbulb should I choose for my final cover? How many stitches look better for my saddle stitch 3 or 7? Stock for covers and finally anything that could be changed design wise?

The feedback I received from this crit was vital as I am printing on Monday, so this will basically rectify my final design decisions ready for print and binding. The results were;

  • Use the long lightbulb (that looks like a screwdriver)
  • 7 stitches is best because it adds more detail to the side instead of having to boring lines, it shows more binding detail.
  •  The stock for the outside cover people were torn between antique and pearl grey therefore I will screen print onto both and decide once I can see the end result.
  • The only thing to be changed would be a slight offset in the detail around the crest, other than that I'm ready to print.

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