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OUGD405 Design Process- Feedback to my Zine

The feedback from the crit for my pussy riot zine was mainly positive, the only suggestions were to experiment printing onto different stock because the bright white made it look like there was too much empty space. Another suggestion was to maybe add an image on the inside of my cover again to avoid a huge empty white space. In response to this feedback I added the front cover to the inside of the zine cover, I also printed on to 2 more stocks; antique white and off-white sugar paper.

Antique- The stock worked a lot better than the original bulky newsprint because it had more of a texture which meant the empty spaces were less boring, plus when you look back through Swiss modernist posters they usually appear to be on an off white as opposed to the clean crisp smooth textured stock I originally used.

This is how the zine appears to the public, by using an off white it makes it less formal like receiving a bill or important letter. Instead it appears more interesting and inviting causing intrigue.

This is the inside of the cover with an added image to make it all less white and boring and more welcoming. I believe doing this is a lot more successful than the plain background that I previously had. Also the thickness of the paper made it a lot more difficult to make the folded book because it was a lot more bulkier which also meant the pages were offset as I folded them.

However when the yellow photographs are printed onto the stock they seem a lot more saturated compared on the clean white this affects the clarity of the images and can sometimes be hard to see and understand. It's quite an important factor because the images play an important role within my designs.

Off-white sugar paper- Again the areas of white appeared more interesting but it did feel a lot cheaper because the sugar paper is a lot thicker and has quite a cheap texture to it. However it was a lot easier to fold even though the folds felt like they would rip and the zine became a lot more fragile because it was less rigid and more flimsy.

The black looks so much different on the off white sugar paper than on the bulky newsprint. When printed on the bulky news print the type is very clean and crisp even at small points because of the smoothness of the paper. But when its printed on the sugar paper the black is not true black for some unknown reason but the type gains more of a personality because of the grains and textures of the paper that add more depth.

Again the yellow photo is extremely saturated and really unclear, even more unclear than when printed on to the antique white. But the black type looks a lot more aesthetically pleasing as opposed to the plain white stock because it has that vintage/old look to it similar toSwiss modernist posters.

The big print of the front cover on the inside of the zine cover looks amazing on this stock because the large sections of black aren't true black, they're slightly saturated which gives it a weathered aesthetic, this saturated black make the yellow pop more because the contrast makes the yellow more vivid. However the fold marks on the black section has actually worn down to the stock underneath because the toner hasn't taken well to the paper because of it's thinness and texture, this massively affects the overall appearance of my zine and cover and kind of detracts from the cleanness I have tried hard to achieve.

Below are just a few errors that occurred during the printing process;

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