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Based on the 3 posters I created in response to the Lance Armstrong doping article I must now create a mailshot that can be mass produced and sent out to cycling related blogs etc... The format of the envelope will be DL and I aim to create an envelope that unfolds to create an info graph that'll inform the viewer about the use of drugs in the Tour de France by using basic facts used in my posters plus some other bits of information I didn't include. 

Above are some basic nets and designs of how my envelope  will unfold. I have decided to use a net similar to the one in the top right of the picture but add flaps to tuck it all in neatly.

Above are some more nets this time I have added some basic deign ideas to see how it'll look once unfolded and how everything will be laid out. Below I have done the same thing but this time gone into more detail with image and layout. 

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