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OUGD505 Design Practice 2_Studio Brief 2

Below is a series of final images of my printed materials, the quality is rubbish because of my lack of time management and doesn't do my work justice whatsoever. But what it does illustrate is the consistency throughout the entire branding. I feel like this is my best project to date in terms of professional standards and consistency throughout, however I feel it just needs to be pushed further. I really got into it towards the end and felt like I could/wanted to produce a lot more but just run out of time.

I'm pretty disappointed with my time management over the course of this project, it had the potential to be amazing but just fell at the first hurdle. I feel like the project deserves to be continued over the summer just to see where it could go and to see what I can produce when I focus and put time into an idea, fully developing it.

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