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Design for print and web- Evaluation

Going into the print and web brief I had high expectations of myself and felt that the brief I had chosen allowed me produce a vast amount of branding and design, although I produced a number of things for the project I feel like it was lacking in areas down to my lack of judgement and and time management towards the end of the brief. In the future I need to be more organised and prepare for things to go wrong as well judging that I need more time to purchase things externally such as stamp handles and stock.

The red of the whole project turned out differently to what I expected, I ideally wanted a more brighter vivid red whereas the colour printed is a much deeper red that in the end I did like and it was all uniform but I would have preferred a brighter colour.

The website I feel ties in with the whole design of my project and it's clear the 2 are linked together although the website is the red I wanted my printed material to be which looks odd when placed side by side I think. 

I also need to allow for time to photograph my work much better, even though the images now show everything there is to show about my work isn't doesn't necessarily do it justice. Better lighting and laying out of the materials would the designs of a lot better giving them a more professional feel.

I don't feel like I have let myself down with the outcomes of this brief, I just know I can do a whole lot better and it's deflating knowing that it's true.

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