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Design for print and web- web development

I felt like the website should be pretty basic for a pop festival of this nature, I didn't want to show too many images of the event and what's on because then people won't find the need to come visit because they can just view it all online. There are 4 main pages of the website; What's on/About, Blog, Tickets and Address. All of these 4 pages address everything you need from when you visit an exhibitions page, you want to know what's on and when? where is it? how do I purchase a ticket? and you want to be kept up to date with all the latest announcements through the blog.

After the first event there will then be a fifth page added which will be about past events. It'll simply be photos of the atmosphere and people enjoying themselves to further showcase the pop up festival and attract future visitors.

Because the web design I'm doing the website after I have already designed the programme I feel like the design should be consistent and what I have already designed should be reflected in the website. The programme uses boxes and lines to frame text and pictures, breaking up the vast white space therefore it is continued throughout the website. 

Below is the screenshots of the natural progression the development of the website.

The box around the whole screen seems kind of restricting and suffocating, I don't think it works well on a website. There I'm going to experiment using the box with other things like text. The positioning of the heart seems slightly strange as well. At the moment it looks nothing like a website and more a presentation board.

Even the boxes around the text don't work, I don't think they're necessary and I'll think the idea should be scrapped. 

After more playing around with layouts and different way to visually represent buttons for other pages, I feel like it's now progressing in the right direction. I feel it just needs the logo moving and title to finish of the basic template ready to insert text.

The final website template and layout is shown above. I've slightly altered the lined and moved it further down giving it more vertical spacing and I've also changed the date to an outline to make it different to the website title and logo, it's visible and noticeable but doesn't detract away from the main titles. I inserted placeholder text and an image to show it could look once everything has been inserted.

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