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Design for print and web- promotional material

Using the manipulated stretched logo I created some tickets that are based on the format 175x75mm. What I wanted from the ticket was there to be small tear off on the right hand side which the festival keep so that they can keep on top of and have a record of admission numbers but I didn't want the whole ticket to be taken because I know that when I visit exhibitions or festival I like to keep the ticket as a little souvenir and reminder of my visit.

On the rear of the ticket I wanted it to promote what else was on over the course of the weekend, as well as the location of the pop up festival. The location is a key piece of information and is vital to the recipient but I didn't want it to be positioned on the front because then I think there would have ben way too much clutter therefore by putting it on the back it is still clearly visible but doesn't alter the design aesthetics of the front.


Back 1

Back 2

Final tickets
After taking along the proposed tickets to my interim critique the feedback I received from Sam made me reconsider the tickets. Firstly we discussed the use of logo which I came up with the idea it should be blind embossed after it has been printed so that you get the distorted text ever so slightly and when held in the light the shape is obvious. Secondly we discussed scrapping the whole stretched logo and just having a simple box with an about section in it that is similar to the one on the front of the programme. This worked a lot better and fit in with the rest of the identity of the festival. The right hand side tear off section of the ticket remains the same because nothing needed to be changed, it clearly displayed vital information that is needed by every visitor. On the rear of the ticket there is still a 'what's on' and the website address but the orientation has been changed significantly. The what's on has been staggered the exact same way as in the programme and the website address has given it's own little section and identity by separating it from the rest of the back with a line.

The posters will be the main focus of promotion for the festival, they need to clearly state; what it is, where it is and when it is. People are always going somewhere and don't necessarily have time to stop and pick out all the key bits of information that are put on a poster therefore it's key everything stands out and is easily found. All the information should be able to be digested in a quick glance.

The posters will be whit and red but also have an alternative flipped colour variation to mix things up, and also tie in with the tickets.

I've gone for a simple layout with the logo centre of attention then directly below it is a small about section. The dates are then placed left and right because that's what is always read second and then finally the location top and bottom.

The box below kind of divided the information a little too much, it'd be better if it all flowed together as one poster without too many divided between all the key bits of information.

There are definitely too many boxes used in this one, it feels like everything is sectioned off and makes it more difficult to read and take in the key bits of information.

Mock ups
I quickly placed the poster files in photoshop and positioned them onto parts of the university that are used for promotion to give an idea of what they could look like. Even though my development consisted of a white poster I have flipped the colours. I think the posters work really well in red outside of the college, it's a bright and catches attention, the white provides enough contrast that it doesn't become swallowed up by the vast red background. 

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