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Design for print- peer feedback

In todays session we got together in small groups of around 8 to discuss our concepts, development and any issues or questions we needed help/advice with. This was all led by us so there was no interference from the tutors at all giving it a more informal tone to it and taking away any stress and nerves that come along with crits. It was also to teach us about structuring a crit because shortly we're going to have to organise our own crits as we develop more and the modules become more self directed.

Firstly I talked about my print information pack, I didn't a full on cemented concept so I basically talked about all my process research I had undertaken and the visits I had been on recently to aid in the whole process of creating a print manual. I then discussed my whole format concept which is to create a multi format publication where each different size represents a different category of print. They all work together but individually as well. I also discussed my issue with using photography within my info pack, I know it's necessary to have some form of imagery within my work but I find photos difficult to work with, plus I'm the worst photographer, I some how to make even the simplest of images look horrific.

My feedback was pretty standard and unhelpful 'It's nice' 'god idea' etc... But there were a few good points raised. The first was that instead of pictures maybe vector everything, this is something I did throughout the whole of last year and it's something I want to step away from. Plus I think it would be hard to represent some processes and show examples through vectors, well actually quite impossible to show examples. But then someone suggested just have a monotone overlay over each image meaning they won't need too much editing, plus personally I think colour overlays are beautiful and really on trend at the moment, they also work on a whole range of coloured stock as opposed to full colour photography.

The other point that was raised during this crit was that it all just seemed a bit too normal and boring which is what I have thought all along but been stuck on. But Sam suggested adding a theme to it and when we got chatting about the whole category idea, about how each book is a different format but how they all come together to represent one whole book. He said it was quite similar to science and elements, how they come together to form compounds. So my whole publication would be the 'compound' and each individual category book would be the 'element'. It could be called the 'elements of print' and have a science theme running throughout, this concept got me excited and I just wanted to go away at this stage and research. But the theme has definitely cemented my concept and given me something to focus on and progress with as opposed to half heartedly committing and dithering around with developing nothing.

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