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OUGD406 DESIGN PRACTICE- results poster

Because I couldn't actually create the app Laura and I came up with the idea to create a poster to be placed around college to express gratitude but also to show the results of the winner (which tea was most popular). I then created the poster below using a pre existing info graph I created for the proposed app, but applying patterns inside each segment that can then be related to a celebrity. The poster is to be printed on to the same red stock the belly bands were printed on to to make sure everything is uniform but to also save on printing again because it means we can add colour whilst still still printing black and white.

I have noticed one slight issue with the final poster, whilst showing how many cups of tea were sold I haven't actually shown how much money was raised. This is something that I think needs to be rectified so that people know, but also so that we can fully express our gratitude.

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