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OUGD406 DESIGN PRACTICE- Communication is a virus brief

Below are the initial concepts the group came up with when we met on wednesday, Laura and Sarah came up with most of the concepts because my brains were fried and struggled to contribute suitable answers. I found it quite a tedious process because there was a lot of bickering because everyone is strong minded and wants to do their suggestion so I found it best to take a back seat and do what is asked of me for this one. Some of the concepts they were coming up with were strong so I thought i'd allow them to decide on one and then suggest ways to develop it instead of making matters worse.

Over the weekend we were asked to review and rewrite the existing brief that was originally given to us so that it suits our project more and the path we have chosen to go down. We then have to present our new brief to Amber on Monday explaining our proposed idea and the deliverables. Laura wrote the brief to which I read through and altered only the deliverables. Below is a copy of the brief that we will present to Amber;

 Ambers only criticism was that we should remove the section on how we could continue this brief and take it further.

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