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OUGD405 Design Process- Typogateux

I joined a group with Ellen and Laura after they had already grouped together their ideas. After they had briefed me the ideas and told me about their favourites we had a discussion and created a shortlist of; leaning tower of type, helveticake and helveti-spaghetti.  After going back and forth between ideas, helveti-spaghetti was decided upon. For the cake we used the hairy bikers basic sponge cake;

Helveti-spaghetti consisted of creating a bowl out of sponge cake, filling it with red icing and white iced Helvetica letters. First of all we made the cake mixture and cooked it in a round cylindrical cake tin to make it easier to carve into a bowl.

The helveti-cake failed because we needed to create a deep cake to be carved into a bowl, however it was too deep to be cooked throughout meaning the top was burnt but the inside was still gooey. After 2 attempts at burning the cake we decided to give up on that idea and go for our back up cake which was the Helveticake. 

The Helveticake simply consisted of creating a black or grey cake and cutting out 'Helveticake' in helvetica pt 250. Using the same cake mixture we added black food colouring to try and create a black cake but this was harder than we thought. the best we were able to create was the dark grey cake shown below. the cake mixture didn't provide us with a thick enough cake so we baked 2 and sandwiched jam in between the two. The process to create the Helveticake are shown below;

Trimming the cake

We experimented with wrapping the letters of the cake in grey icing to give them a smoother outer texture.

However from the image below it was a lot harder than originally thought to get the desired look and finish, therefore we decided to leave the cake in its raw and naked form. I love how each layer is revealed by looking at it side on and also the texture created by peeling off the top upper crust. It has a porous texture to it and accompanied with the dark grey colouring it resembles something similar to volcanic rock.

This is the final cake and how we presented it, luckily the pink and white sheets that were already laid out contrasts our cake and adds to what is a quite simple cake compared to some of the competitors in the class. The edge wasn't as clean cut as i would have like meaning the cake looked a bit rough and there was a few crumbs scattered about, but overall as a grouped we were extremely happy with the outcome after all the stress of the failed cakes before it. 

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