
How to

Final Infograph

Below are cards that'll be placed inside the envelope that can come together to create an infographic. 

Below is what the infograph looks like once it has all come together.

How to...

What is a healthy lifestyle?

  • A healthy diet is one that helps maintain or improve health. It is important for the prevention of many chronic health risks such as: obesity, heart disease, diabetes, and cancer.
  • Source: Wikipedia

  • Recommended by the USDA in its dietary guidelines as a diet that emphasizes fruits, vegetables, whole grains, low-fat milk products, lean meats, and protein from beans, eggs, and nuts, and is low in saturated fats, trans fats, salts, and sugars.
We will combine the 2 definitions and make our own interpretation of what a 'healthy lifestyle' is and this will be the basis of our info-graph.

After a group discussion we decided that the main points to a healthy lifestyle is a healthy diet, regular exercise, drinking and smoking in moderation. These four points will be our main focus relating back to the point of budgeting on each one.

We then went on to create a brief plan of what each A5 card will have on it and how all the information will come together, this gives us guidance throughout the project and allows us refer back to and make sure we're on track.

How to maintain a healthy lifestyle as a new student on a budget

There are 3 key points to this question;

  • What is a healthy lifestyle?
  • How do you maintain it?
  • How do you do it as a student on a budget
Background information 
  • It will be aimed at new first year students in Leeds
  • We aim to inform new first year students on what a healthy lifestyle is and how to first of all achieve but also maintain it. This will allow them to fully utilise their time spent at university and thus enabling them to reach their full potential.
  • We will convey the answer to 'How to maintain a healthy lifestyle as a new student on a budget' via an information graphic. This will include comparative charts and illustrations but also key bits of information.
  • We also want the information graphic to be capable of splitting into informative A5 postcards allowing them to be split up and put into information packs allowing them to be easily distributed to new students via freshers fair and accommodations, thus reaching our target audience.
  • Basic information about info-graphics, what is an info-graph? Inspirational and relative info-graphs?
  • What is a healthy lifestyle? What are the key features of a healthy lifestyle?
  • Conduct a survey of what the average student has to live off a week by asking our peer group for a rough estimate.
  • We are also going to conduct a survey of how much an average basket of 'healthy' food would cost from all the major supermarkets in leeds.

Problems and challenges of being a new student at LCA

Today we were put into groups of 5 and 6 to discuss the problems and challenges of being a new student at Leeds College of Art. For example; remembering names, what to where on your first day, making friends, being on time ETC...

We were then asked to compile a list one hundred of these problems and challenges, once this task was completed the sheet was then passed clockwise around the room to the next group. We now had to select 10 of the best problems and challenges we could ultimately solve, we then again passed the list clockwise to ultimately narrow it down to 3 which we then turned into questions by adding "How to.." to each problem.

Once 3 problems and challenges had been selected they were then placed into a box and each group was randomly given one question each which we had to then refine due to the broadness of the questions.

We ended up with the problem 'How to maintain a healthy lifestyle?' which we adapted into 'How to maintain a healthy lifestyle as a new student living away from home on a budget'


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